How can I WD sync multiple windows users on a single PC

Recently purchased My Cloud EX 4TB. Just want to use it simply as a backup device to sync my main PC. There are two user accounts on the Win10 PC for me and my wife. I installed WD Sync on my user account and I am set up up as Admin WD user. After installation it seemed to sync my documents, music, pictures and video files. I then set up an WD user account for my wife and logged onto her Win 10 user account. I can see the My Cloud device, but her WD login doesn’t allow her to do anything other than view files. I tried expecting the WD sync app from the windows start menu, but nothing happens. Does anyone have any advice?


You will need to configure the WD Sync on your wife’s user.

How might I do that? When I installed WD sync on my user session, the install process included the configuration for my user. On my wife’s user account, I cannot install WD Sync again because it’s already on the PC - if I click on the WD Sync app from windows start menu, nothing happens - and if sign into My Cloud she only has options to view files.

Aha - found it. In the hidden icons system tray I found a WD sync icon which when clicked on took me through the configuration for my wifes user account. All sorted now.

For any others reading this post, if you’re a Windows user you might also consider using the File History function on Control Panel System and Security. It makes a copy of your files and creates incremental backups on a frequency you define. I did in this in the interim whilst trying to work out to WD sync additional users.