How can I hide shares from FTP

Hi nfodiz, its me again.

Having issues on the shares.

Folders structure was changed, PUBLIC - SMARTWARE - TIMESHARE - Ext

Ext is the user I created who will be accessing files remotedly.

So what I have in SMARTWARE folder is  STOLA 2 -  4 different folders which include a folder titled MUSIC


Under MUSIC folder are 3 folders titled     Muk - Chr alb, Muk - Con alb, Muk - soul alb

The folder I intend to only share is Muk - Chr alb.

it looks like this when I copy the address

J:\STOLA 2\Music\Muk - Chr alb

Following your instructions,

  1. I logged into Putty.

  2. Entered          nano /etc/passwd

  3. it displayed came up with a long script

I am stucked at this point…

Kindly explain if you dont mind pls. what do i need you edit and how do i edit to do this

thanks ever so much!

Arrow down to the bottom and you should see user Ext

Arrow over to the path and change it to /shares/SmartWare/MUSIC/Muk - Chr alb

So the whole line should read

Ext:x:1000:1000:,2,,:/shares/SmartWare/MUSIC/Muk - Chr alb:/bin/sh

then save the file and restart vsftp as explained in the guide

To test from inside your network

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your local MyBookLive IP address

From outside your network

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your extrenal WAN  IP address

If you changed the external port from 21 to something else

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your extrenal WAN  IP address and external port


I had a typo in the line but I fixed it… I had Smartware instead of Smart W are

Here is a screenshot of it working

Updated post to fix a typo and add some more info now that I am at a desktop

Thanks so much…

  1. I moved the cursor to the point of Ext…and edited accordingly which looks like this

    Ext:x:1000:1000:,2,:/shares/SmartWare/MUSIC/Muk - Chr alb:/bin/sh

  2. I PRESSED entere afterwards (just after putting the cursor next to sh) and

Hit control o

then hit enter

then control x

it took me back to the command, MyBookLive:~#

At this point, I copied the whole prompt below to putty next to MyBookLive:~#

MBL3TB:~# /etc/init.d/vsftpd restartStopping FTP server: vsftpd.Starting FTP server: vsftpd.

As seen below, I am getting an error : command not found

What am I doing wrong, kindly lend your expertise once more please!

yeah I see the problem, you are typing my devices name along with the command

just type

/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart


Thanks nfodiz!!

it worked. The end user is unable to drag / copy the folders below to his computer. Below are music folders, when end user tries to drag them to his desktop, it shows a scrap like icon. How do I go about resolving this?

By the user downloading an actual ftp client such as FTPrush

Otherwise the user can only click inside the folders and download the files to his computer when he clicks on them. Dragging and dropping the folder won’t work with this setup

How could I have executed all these exploits without you. You truly live up to your nickname…Honourable indeed!!

ssshhhhhh don’t tell nobody :wink:

1) No just login to your router and find port forwarding usually around the WAN settings page and forward the port to your MBL IP address



I sent ftp link to end user. User copied it to browser but page didnt load…error.

I have changed the wan settings on my router to match my mbl’s address as seen below (as suggested). I tested it from my end, it worked.

I am assuming the dmz box above under wan should have the mbl address…Am i correct?

that seem to be the only option under wan to change.

Or maybe I should ask this…How do you know what your external wan ip address is.

 ftp i gave out is ftp://Ext: brosis @       - ip matches the one under wan

To test from inside your network

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your local MyBookLive IP address

From outside your network

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your extrenal WAN  IP address

If you changed the external port from 21 to something else

ftp://Ext: his password here @ <— Change this to your extrenal WAN  IP address and external port

While technically the DMZ box pointing to the MyBookLive IP address should work, that actually opens ALL ports from the outside world to your MyBookLive. You may want to consult your routers manual on port forwarding.

Also the IP address you sent him is the MBL internal network IP address. You need to send him your internet IP address.

Go to

That is the IP you need to use in the link you send him :slight_smile:

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Updated post up top with an easy way for you to get your internet ip address