WD MyCloud EX2 Ultra: Home Assistant installation on Docker in OS5- SOLVED!

I was wondering if anyone had any chance to install Home Assistant on the OS5 through the Docker/Portaire installation ( as described on Redneck Guide to Docker 20.10.14 on OS 5) I manage to download the image and setup a container for the Home Assistant, however when it runs stuck in a loop and return an error message. Before I start shoot details, is anyone else attempted this successfully and is willing to share a short tutorial how it was achieved?

Hi @coolajami,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

thanks @keerti_01 for the response, but considering that WD does not officially support Docker on the Cloud Series, would that be an issue that WD support would look into it? I have some doubts.

For anyone who cares, I’ve managed to get Home-Assistant working on the WD MyCloud EX2 Ultra following an amended set of instructions you can find on the link below:

Installing Home Assistant on WD mycloudEX2Ultra

The process that worked for me is the following:

  1. install the Cloudsmith version of the docker named docker_21.04.06_EX2Ultra.bin from the following link:


    1. Go to the Portainer (yourlocalIP:9001) and then choose the docker, then the stack tab, choose “+add stack” and copy/paste in the web editor the following configuration and hit “deploy stack”:
version: "2.1"
    external: true
    container_name: HomeAssistant_compose
    image: linuxserver/homeassistant:2023.4.6-ls141
    restart: unless-stopped
    privileged: true
    network_mode: host
      - "8123:8123"
      - homeassistant_data:/config
      TZ: Australia/Melbourne

It would take a while and depending on your internet speed and your local connection with your NAS may take an hour or even more (home-assistant image is something like 1.5GB). My experience is that this combination of docker/home assistant versions is the only one that worked and I’ve tried A LOT! Any other docker or home assistant version combination (like the more recent 20.10.15 JediNite/wdpksrc version) seems not to work and the container of the home assistant is stuck in an infinite restart loop. This is possible due to the depreciation of the home-assistant support for older Linux kernels and my understanding is that the kernel the EX2 Ultra using is pretty old.

Hope someone finds this info useful.

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