Help! All data in mybook live gone and owner password unknown

To date I have not heard from Disk Internals, and I have already sent them a repeat request - seeking answers to my questions. If within the next 10 days or so if they do not reply, then your guess will be as good as mine = meaning file recovery based on signature type and no files names or folder structure.

I personally bought a Ā£20 USB to Sata cable from amazon, followed this youtube link to figure out how to open it:

Then plugged the drive into my laptop via the USB to Sata cable, installed DMDE which scanned the drive.

It couldnt find folder structures properly, but found about 1m files and their formats that you can then recover. It does 4000 at a time, but if you select 8000 for example it will do 4000, then unselect the ones it already did. So the next time you press recover itll be the next 4000.

One thing I found was it had loads of jpegs at massively inflated sizes. Had a 7gb one lol. All I did for those was open Windows picture editor, flipped them twice so they were back to original image, and saved it. That corrected their size back to like 6mb.

Its a lot of time and work tbh

My drive is stuck in Ok City FedEx facility. The Aug 6th delivery is ā€œpotentially delayedā€. No word on new date. Signature will be required. I sat at home all day the 6th waiting and got the delay notification around 7 pm. This just gets better and betterā€¦

My Passport (4TB) arrived today. 104.000 plus files recovered. Folders are by file types or in the case of JPGā€™s the folders are camera or origin point of pictures. Many DOC files have their file name but most everything else does not. None of the original folder structure survived. :frowning:
2.04TB recovered from a mirrored 2X2 TB MBLD that was maybe 2/3 full. Have spotted several duplicates and video fragments. Will be a nightmare to organize. Anybody know a software that can search files by searching for words within the files? I have a lot of excel, pdf, doc files to sort and it would help a bunch.
Kind of disappointed, all in all. My EaseUS scan was probably just as successfulā€¦

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There are way more then 25 people who have purchased this unitā€¦ thatā€™s for sure. Think is was first released in 2011, Marchā€¦

They should be held accountable.

Hi @rshare, sorry to ask if it has been asked and answer on this post before. Iā€™ve spent about few hours to search on this post. I plan to duplicate an image of my hard drive before I sent it off to the recovery center too. Do you have an instruction on how to make an image of it? PC? Mac? TIA.

Were the last modified dates recovered for any of the files? Thanks

Thanks so much!
Not sure if I dare going through with it, but thatā€™s an excellent explanation of what you did!

I have looked thru each directory and the best I can tell is XLSX and DOCX files retained their file attributes including last modified. I have thousands of JPGā€™s but all that Iā€™ve checked also retain this info. MP3ā€™s retained their attributes such as Title, Track#, Artist, and Album, etc. but NOT last modified. All other types and files including the mp3ā€™s had a last modified date of December 31 1969 11:00 PM. Folders were dated when created during the recovery process. Hope this helps. Iā€™ll edit this if I learn anything new. MID files retain last modified.

Sabrent USB 3.0 to SATA I/II/III Dual Bay External Hard Drive Docking Station for 2.5 or 3.5in HDD, SSD with Hard Drive Duplicator/Cloner Function [10TB Support] (EC-HD2B)

Here is a link to the item I use. It is simple, fast-enough, and useful for lots of other things as well.

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Just a heads up for anyone with a new Synology, I would also recommend similar locking down for QNAP as well. The problem with all the NASā€™s are that they have some exposure on standard ports for using the main apps like photos, files etc so they all become a target for hackers. Even though this one is just a hack both Synology and QNAP have been hit by remote execution attacks and ransomware in the past year. So just a heads up that they are also prone to getting attacked so follow best practice like port changes, two factor etc

Iā€™ve just realized that this happened to me. Their notification emails were in spam so didnā€™t know until now. The data recovery offer is closed as of July 31. I will not receive anything from WD. What did the WDā€™s data recovery offer provide to those who signed before July 31? Did they pay the shipping cost plus data recovery cost? or just the shipping cost? I decided to join the ā€œWD My Book Live Wiped Data Lawsuit Investigationā€ by Gibbs Law Group. I need a data recovery anyways by a 3rd party even if I have to pay for it, but I will wait until what the law firm has to tell me.

Howā€™s your situation now? I found out about this today and contacted WD but they said their recovery service is no loner available and I will have to pay for everything which doesnā€™t make sense. Iā€™m wondering if they set up this date July 31 based on the federal law or they did it voluntarily. I think I need a legal assistance.

Nothing has changed. I was hoping that they would ease up on this deadline - but they havenā€™t. I will certainly think twice before I buy anything else from them.

I contacted them on July 28th and several times since. They havenā€™t even replied although an incident # has been opened. What a joke.

A company with so much cash in the bank should know better.

Iā€™ve used a SATA/IDE to USB Adapter connected to one drive and my laptop. Using EaseUS and a few other freeware programs I can recover some photos and docs but no file names or structure. Since itā€™s a RAID setup are you suggesting that if I used a second SATA/IDE to USB Adapter and connected the second WD drive to my laptop at the same time and used something like R-Studio with RAID that I might be able to recover everything including file structure and names?

Hello Churkin,
I have the My Book Live Duo also and have my 2 discs connected to my laptop. When you ran R-Studio where is the option to tell it that itā€™s a RAID setup? It looks like you have to scan the disc individually first. Is that how you did it? Iā€™m just using the demo software for now to see how I like it. Thanks.

Did you have any luck ? If you do decide to start one yourself please let us know, I would be more than happy to sign up.
It is now a case of wanting to see WD brought to account for the way they have treated us all.

I took my MBL in for data recovery first thing in the morning on June 24. Now, because I did thatā€“before WD even knew about the hackā€“they are denying me the data recovery offer. First, it was because the MBL was ā€œtamperedā€ with. And now, they are just saying no (even though my data recovery was not completely successful). There is no fine print that excludes me from the data recoveryā€“not on their website, not in any emails they sent me. Theyā€™re just trying to weasel out.

Unbelievable. Just when I thought WD could not possible get any worseā€¦

Anyone else getting ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  over like this?