Help! All data in mybook live gone and owner password unknown

Okay, my device never got hit by this but I shut it down. See my previous post on that here:

I got tired of waiting on WD to give out any detailed advice and blocked all WAN incoming ports to it on my ISP’s router/modem or at least I hope I did. I’m, of course, going to leave the router’s NAT firewall engaged along with the router’s built-in firewall set to ‘medium’ as I had before.

UPnP was already previously off on both the WD MyBook Live and the router, also remote access was already previously off. Maybe that’s why I didn’t get hit. I’m going to resume backup on it tonight and just leave it on and see what happens. It’s not my only backup so if I get hosed it’s not the end of the world, but I won’t like it as it’ll be a big time-waster.

I’ll be a guinea pig and see if I get compromised and will report back if I do.

I’m very sorry to all those that lost their data and hope you can salvage what you can. I know how it feels because I’ve gone through it myself many, many years ago and even went through depression because of some of the assorted losses (some my fault, some not).

Please make it a learning experience but do not beat yourself up for it nor allow the online peanut gallery to make you feel worse. A lot of people that are trashing others online probably won’t admit that they’ve also lost at least some data in the past as well before they learned to keep duplicates of everything, To err is human.

As I was editing this, an automatic backup was in progress and seem to be working fine so far. Fingers crossed.