Help! All data in mybook live gone and owner password unknown

My company also keeps virtually all long term archives on WD drives. Even though they’re non-Live version, they’re now afraid to access archives, on the off chance that something else is compromised. Some people who had the time to react and unplug - what reassurance can they have that this type of thing won’t happen again? Who would buy another WD Live drive after this? Also, as it turns out, it is not possible to deactivate Live account, without writing to technical support. Meaning, that if their repository contained any log data, IP information etc, then you can’t even erase yourself from their servers without explicit permission. I’ve lost 2TB today of non-essential and easily recoverable material, but I guarantee, majority is not that fortunate. I know many families who keep their photo albums on their devices, family videos, important documents. Luckiest are those who didn’t trust them anything more than their music collections, but I know, even that can be devastating. I’m surprised this isn’t headline news everywhere. I hear in corporate communications that many businesses are affected. This is not ransomware, but in a sense, is even worse. And it targets everyone indiscriminately. I haven’t seen an attack of such scale since CIH in 1999.

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