My HDD has a burnt PCB;
Thanks for your help
HDD = WD5000AAKS - 22TMA0
My HDD has a burnt PCB;
Thanks for your help
HDD = WD5000AAKS - 22TMA0
There are a few different posts like this http://community.wdc.com/t5/Other-Externals/Help-plugged-19v-into-my-1tb-WD-Elements/td-p/91237 fzabkar is the expert he has helped some of the people get functional again. Let me guess you plugged the laptop powersupply into drive by mistake? That seems to be the biggest cause.
I saw your post at HDD Guru. It seems the prognosis is not good.
Unfortunately your board stores its “adaptive” data inside the Marvell MCU rather than in an external flash EEPROM (the unpopulated location at U12). This means that you will most likely require expensive data recovery services. Worse still, if the Marvell MCU is damaged, as it could very well be, then data recovery will be VERY expensive.