[GUIDE] How to unbrick a totally dead MBL

And still there is a system message:
Error of Drive SMART
Error of self-examination of the store. Address in the servicing center.

Try a Full Factory Restore to see if it fixes the data partition.

nfodiz wrote:
Try a Full Factory Restore to see if it fixes the data partition.

This message appeared after I tried to update an insertion:
31107-Before updating of the built-in program be convinced that in the My Book Live device both disks are established.
Why he considers that there should be the second disk?

Not sure to be honest. What I did was dd copy a virgin 1TB MBL just beyond the os and swap partitions (which is the file you downloaded) I was under the assumption that a factory restore would then format the data partition so it would show 2TB.

I have only 2 more suggestions

  1. Try updating to newest firmware to see if it fixes issues


  1. Enable ssh http://mybooklive/UI/ssh
    Download putty if you are windows user
    or start terminal if you are mac user
    login to drive with host: mybooklive
    username: root
    password: welc0me
    type /usr/local/sbin/factoryRestore.sh
    wait for led to stop blinking
    then type reboot

nfodiz wrote:
Not sure to be honest. What I did was dd copy a virgin 1TB MBL just beyond that os and swap partitions (which is the file you downloaded) I was under the assumption that a factory restore would then format the data partition so it would show 2TB.

I have only 2 more suggestions

  1. Try updating to newest firmware to see if it fixes issues


  1. Enable ssh http://mybooklive/UI/ssh
    Download putty if you are windows user
    or start terminal if you are mac user
    login to drive with host: mybooklive
    username: root
    password: welc0me
    type cd /usr/local/sbin/factoryrestore.sh
    then type reboot

Well, now I will try

I have my fingers crossed :slight_smile: This has sure been a tough one


  1. Try updating to newest firmware to see if it fixes issues


  1. Enable ssh http://mybooklive/UI/ssh (I think this might already be enabled)
    Download putty if you are windows user
    or start terminal if you are mac user
    login to drive with host: mybooklive
    username: root
    password: welc0me
    type /usr/local/sbin/factoryRestore.sh
    wait for led to stop blinking
    type reboot

I think we may be hitting a language barrier here so I am gonna post a picture. This should format the data partition and fix your drive. From the dashboard I need you to do the FULL FACTORY RESTORE. This should properly format your data partition and resize it to 2TB

So, when I wrote  /usr/local/sbin/factoryRestore.sh in Putty

I see this 

factoryRestore.sh: begin script:
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 2413 Apr 13 2012 /etc/nasglobalconfig.ini

 What does it mean and should I do farther?

@Volgar, that isn’t gonna work. You need to read my last post above yours with the picture.

nfodiz wrote:
@Volgar, that isn’t gonna work. You need to read my last post above yours with the picture.

I made that as you wrote (as on the picture - I mean Factory Restore) and here that as a result turned out. Everything also writes 1 Tb instead of 2 Tb

Ok I’m gonna try something else and then put a guide together for you. I wanna make sure it works first.

Ok, I’ll be waiting there

Well what I had in mind did not work but I found a guide that you can follow to resize your data partition.

Just fire up PuTTY and login to your MyBookLive and follow his log step by step


nfodiz wrote:

Well what I had in mind did not work but I found a guide that you can follow to resize your data partition.


Just fire up PuTTY and login to your MyBookLive and follow his log step by step



Thanks, I will try it

Thanks, I will try it

So, I start to do as there is written, but when I reach to

(parted) rm 4

 that at me appears the message

Error: Partition /dev/sda4 is being used. You must unmount it before you modify
it with Parted.

 Slightly below in comments I read that it is necessary to gather

(parted) rm 4
Error: Partition /dev/sda4 is being used. You must unmount it before you modify
it with Parted.
(parted) quit
MyBookLive:~# umount /dev/sda4
umount: /dev/sda4: not mounted

 and I had a message

umount: /dev/sda4: not mounted

 but when I start to gather again he again writes that

Error: Partition /dev/sda4 is being used. You must unmount it before you modify it with Parted.

 What shall I do???

I don’t know that occurred, but I decided to try everything to repeat and everything earned!!! I will write later than everything ended

@Volgar please do so! If you can post a step by step that would be great, especially if you had to stray from the PuTTY log on the other site a bit.

On a side note if anybody has a factory new 2TB or 3TB MyBookLive, shoot me a PM as I would like to put up some dd images so people with 2TB and 3TB MyBookLives running into the /mnt/md0 errors with the original script have an alternative way of restoring without having to resize the data partition from my 1TB dd image.

You just have to run a single command on the MyBookLive through PuTTY or Terminal so it won’t require you to remove the drive.

Hi there

My MBL 2TB bricked, now I wanna to follow your step. Sofar I can not reach the unbricker.sh from this address  http://www.mediafire.com/?g2xexkaaya34a9r 

I only can use the script from:  http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/forum/t-368098/debricking-script-that-can-keep-data

Can you help me to confirm are they are equal or not. Thanks in advance.

Yes it’s the same script but it has to be formatted properly. On a windows machine, I pasted it in notepad and saved it as debrick.txt
Then I renamed it to debrick.sh and used a little program called dos2unix.exe to format it properly. Put both files in the same folder and just drag debrick.sh onto the dos2unix.exe icon to convert it to unix formatting.

If you want you can also shoot me a PM with your email address and I can send it to you.

So, I started to do as is specified according to the reference

MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/mionet stop
MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/twonky stop
MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/itunes stop
MyBookLive:~# umount /CacheVolume
MyBookLive:~# umount /nfs
MyBookLive:~# umount /shares
MyBookLive:~# umount /DataVolume
MyBookLive:~# parted
GNU Parted 2.2
Using /dev/sda
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) unit s
(parted) p
Model: ATA WDC WD15EADS-00P (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 2930277168s
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
 3 30720s 1032191s 1001472s linux-swap(v1) primary
 1 1032192s 5031935s 3999744s ext3 primary raid
 2 5031936s 9031679s 3999744s ext3 primary raid
 4 9031680s 1953523711s 1944492032s ext4 primary

(parted) rm 4
Warning: WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda
(Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes
until after reboot.
(parted) mkpart primary 9031680s -1
Warning: You requested a partition from 9031680s to 2930277167s.
The closest location we can manage is 9031680s to 2930277134s.
Is this still acceptable to you?
Yes/No? Yes
Warning: WARNING: the kernel failed to re-read the partition table on /dev/sda
(Device or resource busy). As a result, it may not reflect all of your changes
until after reboot.
(parted) quit
Information: You may need to update /etc/fstab.

MyBookLive:~# sync
MyBookLive:~# reboot

MyBookLive:~# parted
GNU Parted 2.2
Using /dev/sda
Welcome to GNU Parted! Type 'help' to view a list of commands.
(parted) p
Model: ATA WDC WD15EADS-00P (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 1500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
 3 15.7MB 528MB 513MB linux-swap(v1) primary
 1 528MB 2576MB 2048MB ext3 primary raid
 2 2576MB 4624MB 2048MB ext3 primary raid
 4 4624MB 1500GB 1496GB ext4 primary
(parted) quit

 and everything went well. But after problems began and here that occurs

MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/mionet stop
-bash: /etc/init.d/mionet: No such file or directory
MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/twonky stop
Stopping Twonky MediaServer ...
MyBookLive:~# /etc/init.d/itunes stop
Stopping itunes server: forked-daapd.
MyBookLive:~# umount /CacheVolume
umount: /CacheVolume: not mounted
MyBookLive:~# umount /nfs
umount: /nfs: not mounted
MyBookLive:~# umount /shares
umount: /shares: not mounted
MyBookLive:~# umount /DataVolume
umount: /DataVolume: not mounted
MyBookLive:~# e2fsck -f /dev/sda4
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Unhandled error code (0x10000)!
Unhandled error code (0x20000)!
Unhandled error code (0x20003)!
Unhandled error code (0x20028)!
Unhandled error code (0x20003)!
Unhandled error code (0x20028)!
Unhandled error code (0x20003)!
Unhandled error code (0x20028)!
Unhandled error code (0x30000)!
Unhandled error code (0x40000)!
Unhandled error code (0x40003)!
Unhandled error code (0x50000)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50004)!
Unhandled error code (0x50014)!
Unhandled error code (0x50004)!
Unhandled error code (0x50004)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000e)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000f)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x50008)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x50016)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000b)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000c)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000b)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000c)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000b)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000c)!
Unhandled error code (0x5000d)!

/dev/sda4: **********WARNING: Filesystem still has errors**********

/dev/sda4: 78/15144960 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 92831/15191344 blocks

 In what a problem also what now to do???