[GUIDE] Fix the IntelliPark bug on a My Cloud

…so having only very recently realised that my device (WD Cloud 1st Gen) is impacted by this bug, and only once I started using HD Sentinel to monitor it:

I am most grateful that I dug out this thread, managed to install idle3ctl yesterday evening - one link above is not valid anymore but I did manage to source this armhf.deb file from elsewhere - and managed to change the timer on this HDD accordingly.

FWIW: my Load Cycle Count (SMART #193) reached nearly 6M - not bad (and quite scary either!) for ~9 year old device that runs 24/7, isn’t it?

What kind-of accelerated my actions were other SMART values of this HDD that started changing: Read Error Rate (#01) & Spin-Up Time (#03) that suddenly jumped a bit in the last year - indicating that this HDD might be on its way out soon.

I also managed to buy second device (hardly used by the looks of it - and its HDD’s SMART values as well), and I endeavour to swap the HDD to the larger one (10-14TB) at some stage in the future once this one eventually fails.
→ I did also spot that HDD firmware revision on the second device was newer (82.00A82 as opposed to 80.00A80 on mine) - and so were its timer settings either (300 seconds as opposed to 8 seconds on mine).

Needless to say all stuff’s backed up as needed.