[GUIDE] Can't access wd2go from IE 11 (Windows 8.1)

I had this problem ever since my Windows 8 updated to 8.1 (not everyone has this problem)… I could only connect with Firefox.  Of course  java is up to date and I did it many times with same results. Strangely, if I create a new user account on my Windows,  IE 11 works fine.
Finally I solved it and the solution was very simple.

When you go to wdmycloud.com, you enter your email address and password and you click “submit” nothing happens. Stay on the page, in the url address bar at the top, you will notice a stop/block sign (a circle with a line across it in blue). This indicates that the site is blocked. Click on that sign and unblock it. That is it, everything is working now.

My current java version is 1.7.0_55.

Hope this helps someone.

I am having the same problem, so I will try this as I can opnly access via Firefox as well on windows 8.1 and IE11, although it worked until a few weeks ago?

Is there a similar solution to the problem of chrome also not connecting?

Hi Ken3966

I don’t know to be honest, The only other browsers I tried is Firefox, Both working fine. I was going to try Safari and Chrome but believe it or not my PC just died :frowning: It is very old and I was expecting this. The good news is that I did a backup last night. So mycloud has already paid for itself :slight_smile: . New PC is arriving tomorrow.