Group-rights don't function with mapping command

On the MyCloudEX2Ultra NAS
I created 2 users,

  • ‘user1’
  • ‘user1’
    both member of the group ‘users’.
    I created a share ‘storage’ and switched public Off.

Than I selected the group ‘users’
and enabled ‘Share Access’ for the ‘Storage’ share with R/W rights.

OK, so far so good.

My impression is that users who are member of a group
should inherit the share-rights of that group.

But when I do a mapping command in Windows:

Net use Y: “\MyCloudEX2Ultra\Storage” /USER:user1 secret
This results in ‘Access denied’.

When I now switch to the share ‘Storage’
then it shows that User Access for users ‘user1’ and ‘user2’ is NOT available.
(is not needed because they both have rights a member of the group)
but when I nevertheless enable R/W rights for user1 and user2
and I do the mapping command again:

Net use Y: “\MyCloudEX2Ultra\Storage” /USER:user1 secret
Now this results in ‘The command completed succesfully’.

So it works when I specify the share-rights to the users
and it works NOT when I specify the share-rights to the group.

Hi Little_Bit,

You can have a look on below articles to know about default rights and permissions on groups.

Thanks for your response.
The articles you reference are about web/menu-interface.
The problem I mentioned is about the commandline interface.
Just test the example I mentioned.for better understanding.