Fully Qualified Domain Name NOT supported for Remote Backup

How does one configure a Remote Backup to a WD NAS without using a FQDN if a static external IP address of the destination NAS is not available? Is there another way than using a Fully Qualified Domain Name from a dynamic DNS service? I don’t know a lot but I thought using a dynamic DNS service (I’m using DynDNS Pro and Host Services if that is relevant) was the reasonable solution especially as the PR4100 will run the dynamic DNS updater itself…

Thanks in advance for your help (please stop reading if you want to avoid my frustrated rant below)

Finally figured out why my Remote Backup setup would not load the destination folders. I was using the fully qualified domain name and not the static IP address to the remote network. I am frustrated that this information is not documented in the otherwise detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up a Remote Backup. It’s not clearly disclosed in:

  1. The initial notes and warnings of Answer ID 19931
  2. Step A4 - Obtain the WAN IP Address (of the same Answer ID 19931)
  3. Step C1 - Create the Job (of the same Answer ID 19931)

Where Step 7 (of Step C1) specifically states:

" In Remote IP Address , enter the destination device’s WAN IP Address (Routers External IP Address) obtained from Step A4 .


If the Remote Backup is being configured between two My Cloud devices connected to the same local network router, use the LAN (Local Area Network) Static IP address of the destination My Cloud and not the WAN (Wide Area Network) IP Address."