Freezing up, and having to reboot? What are your settings?

I purchased this item brand new and the first thing I was prompted to do after setting up was to upgrade the firmware. Typically this is always the best thing to do with devices. The firmware patched fine and rebooted. I plugged in my USB hard drive and started watching an MKV file. A few minutes into the video, the device froze for several minutes (remote would not work, video frozen). I had no choice but to power cycle. When it booted back up, it had trouble recognizing the usb drive and required me to unplug the drive and reboot again.

Is your device freezing? I would like to gather some common settings, maybe we can determine the common error.

Notable settings that active while freezing was occuring:

Wireless: Yes

Video Playback: USB Harddrive

Firmware: 1.05.18

Auto Build Media Library: Yes

I got online, found out you cannot downgrade to the original firmware, so I installed version 1.04.xx and change the settings back to default and then changed then again to the following and playback of the same video was not freezing:

Wireless: No

Video Playback: USB Harddrive

Firmware: 1.04.xx

Auto Build Media Library: No

Tonight I am going to try to turn back on wireless, then attempt to play the same video file again. I’m really torn on whether or not to return the device and get a Roku or something. There seems to be so many problems with this *new* version, it may not be worth the risk of keeping a lemon.

There are several user here reporting that if you leave the Auto Build Media Library off, you should not get any issue streaming from the network,  I have not encounter this issue myself, but it look that is your case to.

I wasn’t playing from network, only USB hard drive, however, turning off Auto Build Media Library fixed my issue on both 1.4.x and 1.5.x of the firmware.