Getting threads showing that there are NEW posts, and when I click into them, the forum takes me way back into months-old posts.
For example, the WDTV Live Firmware forum had a thread showing ONE new post (it’s the .38 Beta post) but when I clicked into it, it took me into a post that was made in August.
I’ve noticed posts that had been “read” turning back to “new” lately, as well.
Don’t know if it’s related, but I’m also noticing occasional sorting errors in some of the sections.
For example, right now the WD TV HD section orders the topics as:
Latest Post: an hour ago
Latest Post: Sunday
Latest Post: yesterday PM
That “Sunday” one is out of place.
My Preferences are set to “Use Default (Newest First)”, but if I force it to “Newest First” the (wrong) sort order doesn’t change. And “Sort topics by time of most recent post” is checked.
I think we’re pretty much stuck. They can’t replicate it. Let me know if it gets worse. And if you can get screen captures of it, that would be good.
It happened again; here’s some screen scrapes.
Here’s the summary screen; note post “WDTV Live and WUSB600N” It’s stuck between two newer threads. When I first saw it, it was reporting new posts (it does not in the picture because I already read it again, and that reset the counter.)
Here’s the inside of that thread, indicating new posts.
FWIW, I know you’ve already sent this to Lithium, Bill, but it’s affecting the Ideas Lab as well.
I’ve just marked the same posts as read for the third time. When I mark them all read, I’m seeing 0,0,0 for new posts, and then 10 or 15 minutes later, it’s showing 1 or 2 new posts in each section, but when I go in, they’re the same ones that I’d just marked.
Tried clearing my cache, but that’s had no apparent effect.
At the moment, the main page ( is showing me 4 new posts in the WDTV Live Ideas section.
When I go here (, I see that there’s one idea that was added an hour ago (so I’d expect a new notification from that), but the other “Latest Comments” and “Latest Ideas” are all things I’ve read before (and are all posts that were made prior to my last “Mark All As Read” selection)… as far as I can tell, no matter how much browsing around I do in there, I should only be “seeing” one new post, not 4.
So, either the notification on the main page is repeatedly incorrect, or the “New Ideas” tab, the"Latest Comments" box and the “Latest Ideas” box are all out of date and not showing the other 3 “new” postings. I can’t find anything that has changed since the last time I browsed in there and re-reset all as read, other than the one new idea from an hour ago.
Just had an afterthought… have you been killing off all the video converter ads in the Lab recently?
The re-indexing of the database could be what’s throwing a wrench into the works in terms of my new post counters.
If I’m remembering correctly, I seem to recall some sort of vague connection between moved/deleted posts, and the other forum threads resetting to “new”.
Yes, we’re definitely killing off the spam. And, yes, when a post is moved, it shows up as new, in the new board. However, unless a single post/thread is being removed, then it shouldn’t affect anything. And if it is being removed then it should only move the rest of the threads below it up. But that wouldn’t/shouldn’t affect the Read status on the posts around it.
Guys, are you still having issues with this? If so, can you give me more screenshots (to update it with Lithium), and what browsers and versions are you using? Also, do the new numbers eventually go away, or are they still persistent?
Also, are you refreshing the page when you return to the board page? Because they won’t change if you don’t refresh the page - either by navigating out and then back in, or by hitting the refresh button.
I haven’t noticed any more issues with the Ideas Lab lately (or elsewhere), Bill, but on the other hand I haven’t been going through things with a fine-toothed comb, either.