Folders thumbnail+ Gallery view

I’ve noticed that in gallery view.

when i select a folder which has a thumbnail,  the thumbnail won’t appear on the top left side.

Perhaps it can be displayed with proper modifications of the rv_browse_gallery.xml file.

If you are talking about the larger thumbnail which is in the info plane (where the Year, Genre, etc are) then this is a bug that was introduced with the new firmware.  Folder thumbnails will not appear here.

firetix wrote:

Perhaps it can be displayed with proper modifications of the rv_browse_gallery.xml file.

That’s what I thought. Resulting in numerous crashes and a total meltdown of the hub. As for now - there seems to be no workaround for this - hopefully fixed in the next FW.

Did not know, it was a bug.

I updated to the latest firmware once i got the hub.

Just came here to ask about that myself. Really hope this gets fixed soon. After spending way more time than I want to admit to, I have nearly everything on the Hub just the way I want it (custom thumbnails and metadata for all my TV shows, content info downloaded for all films, etc.), but all the folders I have these files organized into are looking pretty bland.

While I’m at it, is there a way to load metadata for a folder? I thought it might be as simple as dropping a file named “folder.xml” inside, but no dice. Is that another bug?