Firmware updates & user manual

When new firmware is created, is the online manual also updated to show how to use the newly added functions?

Manuals are not updated often or in a timely manner (at WD or just about anywhere else). 

You can compare a manual you downloaded a while ago to one you see posted later on.  It is easy.

If you want to know if you have the latest manual for any product, all you have to do is right click on any OPEN PDF file, and check the Document Properties to see the Created Date and the Modified Date.  This holds true for any PDF file.  The date of download is what you see if you look at file properties, and this is not the same as the Created / Modified dates embedded in the PDF itself.

When the new firmware does come out, does anyone know if there are there any documents explaining how to use the new options, recommendations, etc?

I am just curious cause dealing with the recent issues I have been having feels like a 2nd job searching for a solution when I would much rather be enjoying the media players instead.

When firmware revisions are posted for WDTV products, a message is posted in the appropriate forum under the Firmware section.  A commemt in there directs users to: 

“For the firmware update and release notes please check out the WD TV Live Hub Product Update page”

See the Release Notes and Manual sections for any info.

Have you posted your issue in any forum yet?  Some HUB user may be able to help you.

This is it…