Files in the external HD are lost

I use WD My Passport Ultra. I usually use base on win7 64 bit . when I open it on win7 32 bit, files from win7 64 bit disappear. But I can save and open new files on it.

help me please

I want to recover the old files.

Run check disk on the drive check the option to recover sectors and files.

Windows XP  (32 Bit)  will not function properly with a 64 bit mega drive.   The old WD Live who’s life is now ended however could  switch between the different formats with no problems or error.

You need windows 7 or above to get the format going.  A lot of import  NAS units are using an EX FAT (64)  and they change the Seagate mega drives to that format when setting up…  Again, the old wdtv lIVE could funtion wonderful with these formats but not the new WD TV unless the  new update took care of that.

As far as running your checkdisk  do it on windows 7 or above;  XP won’t know it exists.

Windows 7 + has a choice of formats on it the default format is 32 bit  use the drop down menu and select the second and that will give  you 64 bit formats which at the end of the day you may have to do.   I had a similar experience and at the end of the day my data was lost off a Segate.  Luckily I had good copies on my Nas made up up 2  x 2TV Segates formated in exfat 64.

Good Luck!

Thank you.

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