File proporties


I’m using WD MyCloud for storing a lot of Music and Video stuff. After doing so I sometimes want to add some information in the file proportie fields (with explorer). Just the have more informatione about composer, conductor etc. The strange thing is that I can do that for the Music files (just by using windows explorer, windows 8) but not with the movie files. I get a dialogbox allright (with less details then with the music files) but I cann’t change any field within that dialog.

Any suggestions, any help?

Kind regards,


What format are the video files in which you can’t change the properties?

Hi Tony,

I’m not quit sure what you mean with ‘format’ but most of the files are normal AVI files and some are MP4 files. Is this what you mean? If I look at the proporties dialog I see at the Item type field ‘Video clip’. Is this enough information?

Kind regards,


As far as I know, AVI files can’t have embedded properties.   MP4 files can, though…