EX2 and Amazon S3 backup failure and versioning

Well I’ll be damned. Sounds like their backup types are screwy.

I ran a “mini” test backup a few days ago in incremental mode, and it created a file listing on the S3 side of files it had uploaded (in a separate folder). Does it do the same thing when using full backup? My theory at the time was that it was somehow using this list to check which files had been uploaded, and since it uploaded the list at the end, any failed backup would have to start from the beginning since the list hadn’t been uploaded. Seemed like an odd way of doing things. Anyway…

When you run your “full” (AKA, incremental) backups, do you happen to have versioning turned on? Do you have any bucket policies in place (e.g., Glacier, infrequent access S3, or deletion of old versions)?