Error wd5000aakx- Bzbzbzbz

Hi friends,

It was working fine , then …Today in the morning occurred error disk failure in wd5000aakx and i tryed in another machine (PC) and started to show Bzbzbzbz in bios size 571 GB…

i try to change sata cable and sataport in motherboard and changed PC but problem is the same.

Hi felipe.

It seems that after you seeing the wrong capacity detected your drive is beyond a simple repair…
hope you don’t loose important data :confused:

if so i think you will need to contact a data recovery company…

sorry to be the first coming with bad news

Oi David

Você fala minha língua? Do you speak portuguese?

I formatted in another mobo and its appear good now… Os working fine. I installed ubuntu server and for now os good but… I dont know until when. I have fear if it can return.

Thanks and a i hope i can help me

sim eu falo a tua lingua… mas temos de falar ingles por aqui loooool

yes i speak your language but we have to use english around here

eu recomendava que ligasses a drive a um pc com windows mesmo que fosse por usb e instalasses o hard disk sentinel para ver o seu status smart

i would advise you to connect this drive to a windows pc and use hard disk sentinel

i am astonished how did you recover that drive… maybe your drive has a bad contact on FSB

  • eu recomendava que com jeitinho desprendesses a placa controladora e fizesses uma limpeza com uma borrachita branca nos contactos e voltasses a apertar com jeito isso