Error after updating the firmware

Hello everybody,

I have updated the firmware of my WD Elements Play (Model WDBACC0010HBK) to version 1.01.10.

Now, when I put it on I got the following message " Unable to detect the internal hard disk. Please check." and therefore I am unable to read anything on my TV. I have only access to the main menu.

When I plug it to my computer, everything works fine and I am able to add or remove files.

Could someone please help ?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

A Swiss customer.

I have the same problem! I tried to renew the firmware again, but the player didn’t´t detect the USB-Stick… a normal reset doesn´t change anything.

I have the same problem

Hi, i just updated the WD Elements (1TB) and got the same problem…what now ?

I’ve solved the problem.

1.- Connect the WD Elements Play to your PD (Windows Box)

2.- Open the hard disk administration panel

3.- Select the Drive and decrease the size of the principal partition by a small number of MB (i.e. 10 MB)

4.- Apply the changes

5.- Discconect properly the USB

6.- Switch on the WD Elements Play connectted to the TV

After that you can repeat the same operation if you wish to recober the lost 10 MB

Original idea:

rochemc wrote:

I’ve solved the problem.


1.- Connect the WD Elements Play to your PD (Windows Box)

2.- Open the hard disk administration panel

3.- Select the Drive and decrease the size of the principal partition by a small number of MB (i.e. 10 MB)

4.- Apply the changes

5.- Discconect properly the USB

6.- Switch on the WD Elements Play connectted to the TV


After that you can repeat the same operation if you wish to recober the lost 10 MB


Original idea:

TQ for sharing