Duplicate files showing up

After uploading movies from my computer to the media center, three of each movie are showing up. When I delete one of the files, thinking it is just a duplicate, it deletes all three files. Has any one else had this problem- and how can I remove the duplicates without deleting all of them?

I checked and this problem is not specific to any one file type.

Also, I  had to remove some files and re-do my first upload due to my computer crashing. I don’t believe this to be the problem as I have uploaded fully since and without troubles but still showed duplicates.

I am new to this and only a wee bit tech savy. Any help would be appreciated!  :slight_smile: Thank you!

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Have had the same problem except had five of each showing up.

Clearing the MEDIA LIBRARY and letting it rebuild cleared the problem.



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Thank you! I will give that a try…

Much Appreciated! :smiley:

depuis la dernière mise a jour cela me fait des duplicata a chaque fois que j’efface un fichier.

since the last update it gives me duplicates every time I delete a file.

I am having the same problem.  Any time files are added to the drive it duplicates all the files in every folder I have.  I can reset the drive and that fixes it, until I add a file again.  This only has happened since the last firmware update.

I am new to using this media player and came upon this same problem today while learning how to configure the unit.

I observed after syncing my external and local drive you will get those ‘duplicate files’. At first I did the same deleting the duplicates only to have them reappear. I discovered once I eject the external drive from the WD Live TV HUB. The ‘duplicate files’ disappeared.