Duplicate computer showing on remote web access homepage

When accessing my computer remotely I have started to see my computer show up multiple times.

I found this post online - Duplicate computer showing on remote web access homepage. where someone else has a similar issue.

No clear answer on how to resolve this. Anyone else running into this?

did you see that post?

I had searched this issue before and it appears this is because the page is displaying the last three computers used. This issue seems to affect older versions of WHS as well. When you click the connect to more computers link the duplicate issue does not happen.

Yes, I read the post. When I click “connect to more computers” I get the correct list of computers. But when I go back to the normal spot - where I used to connect to computers, the list still contains duplicates.

I guess I read that post incorrectly - I thought it meant, “Click ‘connect to more computers’ then the issue will go away”, but I guess it meant “Click on ‘connect to more computers’ and you will go to another page, where the issue will not be apparent”.

I can’t figure out or understand what caused it.

I am not looking at the rww page, but my interpretation was it will show the last 3 as well as other or the same computers. Just should have a heading that says last 3