Disable twonky media server

I’ve just had to rebuild my PC and I forgot to backup my bookmarks… that’s fine but one of the things that was in there was the URL to disable my twonky. I remember it was something like :/twonkyservice/disable but I can’t for the life of me either remember or find it searching. Can anyone help out?



As far as I know you just need to disable the DLNA media server from the My Cloud dashboard. You can also access the Twonky dashboard with your device’s IP address :9000 ( Example: http://NAS-Address:9000) but it only allows to configure Twonky, it does not have a shutdown or disable button.

There’s another way defo!
Problem is that it trashes performance so bad using the dashboard becomes a pain. This was a straight URL that killed hte process in one hit. No gui required. It starts again after a reboot, but it does the job

Sorry, bump on this. I really need to disable this, I can’t get into the main gui now. there’s definately a way of doing this direct from the URL