Diagnostic fail, error on report form on website


I’ve run both a short test and a full test, both of which failed. I was asked to submit a system report to troubleshoot on the WD website. I filled in the form and submitted it only to receive this message “An internal server error occurred during your visit. A system error was encountered during your request. If you need to contact us, please make sure to report the error number below to us.”

I filled out that form, and that presented an error as well. I clicked the link to contact WD by phone, only to be given a page with no phone number on it.

I’m feeling a little unsupported! Please can anyone suggest alternative methods to provide WD with the diagnostic report?

This isn’t going to be very reassuring, but I suggest that you try again with the online submission. There may have been a temporary problem.

In a search of the web I found 949-672-7000 mentioned as a phone number for WD support. I have no idea if the posting was accurate or current.

If you are really lucky, a WD tech will see your forum posting and submit a problem report on your behalf. That happened to me.

Thank you for your reply. I tried resubmitting the online report, but got the same error.

I’ll try the number in the morning, fingers crossed.