Deleted folder accidently on MY BOOK LIVE DUO

  • I am using my MY BOOK LIVE DUO with RAID 1 mode.
  • The problem is that I have deleted a folder with a lot of pictures (jpg files).
  • When I open the TRASH FOLDER on my Mac Book Air I can see only the files which I have deleted from my internal hard drive.
  • But I can’t see the folder which I have deleted accidentely on my MY BOOK LIVE DUO
  • Is there any opportunity to open a TRASH FOLDER or something similar for the MY BOOK LIVE DUO?


You may try a data recovery software. If you do a  web search for  Data Recovery  it will yield plenty of data recovery software options.


It is absolutely clear to me that I can use a data recovery software. But the question was if I can adjust the settings of the MY BOOK LIVE DUO to allow me to have a TRASH FOLDER. This would be the most comfortable way.

With DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE I need to scan several hours my file. And before I can scan I need to put the harddrive into another housing to allow me to scan the hard drive. Normal DATA RECOVERY SOFTWARE doesn’t support NAS drives.

Best regar


Petar wrote:

But the question was if I can adjust the settings of the MY BOOK LIVE DUO to allow me to have a TRASH FOLDER. 

No, the MBL and MBL Duo do not have this feature available.

You can research the Samba configurations required to implement it yourself, though, if Warranty is not a concern…