Delete all files (in a secure way) ... for return material


my box crashed and WD support told me to send back (the box will be exchanged as a warranty issue). Therefore I would like to delete all files in a secure way. My box was full of data (1 TB) and I was able to delete nearly all of them with Eraser (

BUT: since 2.6.10 there is also a folder “.miocrawler_cache” (created for WD Photos application) that contained quality reduced photo’s (every photo gets a thumbnail here). On my box this folder contains 90000 files and I was not able to delete them by Eraser, Windows Explorer, cygwin … the deletion process is no more responding … I have to kill the process. These files are shown as hidden and read-only :frowning:

My last approach was to format the disk by wdtv menu but this process is now running for 48 hours (“Formatting …”). It seems to me that it does not work (as also mentioned here: ).

Do you have any other ideas? I also asked WD support (still waiting for an answer …) but sometimes a community has better support :wink:

One more question: The SMB-file-Share that is provided by wddt live hub is the only stuff that is presented to me … are there any other partitions (not vissible for me) that could contain copies of my photos/videos.

Thx for your support. Cheers,


surprise, surprise, …

90 hours after starting the format disc job I lost my countenance and tried to stop it (wdtv was continously showing me the “Formatting …” screen). I pressed the Home-Button on remote control. The screen changed to home screen AND all the device was empty (35 MB were used somewhere but 930,41 GB were available).

puh, happy but still disappointed about wdtv live hub :frowning:



Glad it worked out.  Unlike you I do like my Hub, but, yeah, it does wander off like this more often than I’d like.

I like it, too (mostly).

We should keep in mind that you get this device for 160 Euro and 1 TB harddisc costs 80 Euro => 80 Euro for the extended features. This is quite cheap for developing und maintaining that firmware. We cannot expect a bug FREE software … cost-benefit ratio for customers is quite good. I am astonished that western digital is releasing new firmware continously - RESPECT :slight_smile:

BUT: If my exchanged hub will work more than 4 weeks I will be happier :wink: