Database connection details for wordpress

I try to start Wordpress on my Mycloudex2ultra.
When i start to configure wordpress this panel poped up :slight_smile:

I created a user in phpadmin with a password but still it does not work.
I tried instead of wordpress( which by the way does not exist in phpadmin panel) , the database mysql , but still it does not work .

any ideas or what should i do ?

Where is the database actually located? Is it on your Ultra? LOCALHOST means your local device (like your PC). You should try the name (or IP address) of your Ultra. You may need to add the port number for the db.

Are you able to log into MYSQL as the DBA? Does your “user” have full rights to the actual db you will use for WP?

If you haven’t seen them already, a couple of WD Support Knowledge Base articles:
Steps to Install and Configure WordPress Third-Party App on a My Cloud OS 5
Steps to Configure My Cloud OS 5 MySQL Server Network Database

What is the specific error message you are receiving from the WordPress install on the My Cloud when you enter in the database details?

Have you tried using the My Cloud administrator username and password for the database username and password?

Hello Bennor and Saudade ,

thanks for your advises and at the end it works.

What i did is first to set up the database to be accessed remotely as mentioned in Steps to Configure My Cloud OS 5 MySQL Server Network Database
Then I used the root user with its password that i set tp in PHPadmin before , instead of the user i created in phpadmin which apparently does not have enough rights.
Third i used the ip adress of the server instead of localhost.
And finally it works :slight_smile:
Thnaks to both of you.