Create share link missing Windows 11


I have a WD Mycloud Home and when I was running Windows 10 I could right click on a folder and select “Create Share Link”.

I upgraded to Windows 11 and the option to “Create Share Link” is no longer available on right clicking a folder.

How do I get it back.

WD Discovery v4.3.336
My Cloud Desktop v2.1.0.322

Have you tried right click and show more options in Win 11? because that is where the share link now resides.

Have you tried a new install of Windows 11 as this Oct 9, 21 post suggested?


I had exactly the same problem with Windows 1, nothing I tried worked. I found a work-around by using a mobile device. I have an ipad and a Android phone both linked to my router via wifi. I loaded MyCloud 5 onto both and they now permit sharing by sending links to files/photos. both at home and remotely. I have given up trying to make Win 11 work. WD need to come up with a simple fix, they have remained incredibly quiet about this common problem.


The My Cloud Home (MCH) runs on OS 4 (Android) with WD Discovery and cannot run OS 5.