Connection to MyBook Live after changing computer name

I recently had to upgrade to Windows 11, and in the process, I changed the name of my computer. In setting up the MyBook Live, I find that I cannot access the information saved previously when the computer had a different name. Sadly, I did not keep a record of what the computer was previously named; it was an odd designation that I did not choose. Is there a way of connecting the newly-named computer to data previously saved?

What does “cannot access” mean? Are you getting an error message? Is your user name and password on windows the same? Did you install the WD software for your drive?

When I installed the WD software, I can connect to the MyBook Live, but I have no access to the data recorded on it previously, before I upgraded to Windows 11 and changed the name of my computer. The data is there–I can see how much of the disk space is used. But under the new computer name, it’s like the MyBook does not allow me to access my previous information. I assume that’s because the computer had a different name??

That’s 1 out of 4. What does “cannot access” mean? Are you getting an error message? Is your user name and password on windows the same?

Update: After further review, I’ve found under the “Retrieve” tab that my old files are available! I can retrieve them and save them in a different folder on my c: drive. So I’ll give that a try and see how it works.

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I figured out how to retrieve my old files, so that worked out well. The MyBook seems to be functioning well, except that I cannot open the file folders that I am looking for. I know that I have files like Public, Smartware, Time Machine, and Time Machine Backup on the disk, but when I right-click on Smartware icon (on my desktop–under “hidden icons”), and I choose “MyBook Live” and “open,” nothing happens. Previously, a File Explorer box would open and I’d have access to the files I saved under “Public.” Now I can’t seem to get at those files. Any suggestions??

I think it’s the “Quick View” feature that I’m using. I can get the Dashboard to come up and it works fine, but the “open” function does nothing–it used to work fine. I could save various files from my desktop in the “Public” file on the MyBook Live. Not working now.