Connection Relay instead of Direct or Local

Hello again, i see that on appears under the settings, the Connection type = Relay, but i have enabled the UPnP of my router and the ports configured as follows.
WD2go - Port Ext: 9091 - Port Int: 80
MyCloud - Port Ext: 9444 - Port Int: 443

On my Iphone, connected to the same Network i see Local, but on my iPad i also see Relay.

Can someone explain me why, having all the devices on the same networks doesn’t show Local in all?


Port 9091 and 9444 are for My Cloud and not My Cloud Home so your My Cloud Home is probably really is in Proxy Relay Mode and not in UPnP Automatic Port Forward mode. Might want to check your UPnP table again or UPnP on the router is not working correctly with your My Cloud Home.

Hello, what should be the correct configuration then for MyCloud Home?