Connecting to a fileshare on a domain and the "no media found" issue

Hey guys, im not sure if this is pertinent to anyone, or if it has been answered, but I had trouble getting my WD Live HD to see a domain computer (in particular a domain controller, which is probably even more fun).  I found to get it to recognise the computer you have to turn on network discovery for the domain in the network and sharing center (win server 2008, win7).  This does not natively work on a domain computer, im not sure why, but to enable it you must start the following services and set them to automatic: Server, SSDP Discovery, and UPnP device host.  Then you can enable network discovery, and you should be able to see the server.  I did set the workgroup to my domain name, but I don’t think that mattered.

Last note, I had a network share that had the issue “no media found.”  The share permissions were specific, using 'authenticated users", and it used DFS namespaces.  Not sure which thing caused the problem, but I set a secondary share for just my multimedia folder, giving the user object “everyone” read permissions.  After that, everything worked fine!  Hope this helps some of you out there, it certainly calmed my frustration that the device didnt natively support domains.

Article that might help you:  <–talks about enabling network discovery for domain computers

Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support