Connecting Chromebook to MyBookLive


I’m looking for help connecting MyBookLive to my new chromebook. I tried logging into My Cloud and I get an error saying “Can’t connect to MyBookLive”. When I tried clicking the “Accept your device’s security certificate” I get “404 - Not Found”. I can access the drive from my android phone and my old window’s laptop.

Thanks in advance!

WD doesn’t offer a Chromebook-specific access method to access files from My Cloud network storage. You can’t add Windows programs to a Chromebook because it runs Chrome OS. You may try using Google app: Network File Share for Chrome OS.

Hi im having trouble with this also. Im trying to connect Mybooklive to my chromebook. Im using Network File share for Chrome OS and it just wont connect. What is strange is that ive used exactly the same file path on a windows pc to map the drive and it works perfectly. Any Help would be greatly appreciated.

I am having the same problem. I was able to connect my Chromebook to the the MyBookLive in the past but it stopped working. I have tried connecting on 3 Chromebooks, using both the old network share extension and the new native connection protocol. Nothing works. The error message indicates the URL is incorrect. I recently installed a Synology NAS and had the same connection problem. Searching the web I found advice to disable SMB1 and enable SMB 3 on the Synology and that worked. I can find no way to manage SMB on the WD NAS. I can connect to the WD NAS with a Windows 10 machine so I know I am using the correct syntax/username/password. I can also get the Synology NAS to connect to the WD NAS. I am pretty sure the level of SMB support is the key. Please help.

I understand this is an older post, however after searching for an answer on how to connect my chromebook (Acer 14) to my older WD MyBookLive, I found that none of the recommendations worked, so I decided to troubleshoot this myself and have found a work around that works perfectly for me.

You will need to download CX File Explorer from the PlayStore. After installing and open, do the following:


  • Add “+”
    • Remote
      • SMB
        • Enter the IP of your MyBookLive, as well as the username and password, and connect

Following these steps I was able to connect to my NAS and access all files. The one thing I have not been able to do however is open movies that are stored on there, from my Chromebook.

Tip: You can also select the “Anonymous” option after entering the IP address, instead of entering the username and password, and it should still connect.