Configuration errors

My MyCloud has a notification saying
File System Check Failed
File system check has detected errors on your configuration. Backup your data and recreate your drive configuration to resolve these errors. If problem remains, contact WD Support.

Does “recreate your drive configuration” mean delete and recreate users and shares, of does that mean I need to do something at the hardware level? I’m not sure what “drive configuration” refers to.

Do you have all of your data backed up somewhere?

Have you ever saved your system configuration found in the Dashboard? It is under Settings>Utilities>System Configuration. If you have then you should be able to import your system configuration and see if that will solve your problem.

You can find information on this in the Dashboard Help(?).

Luckily (I guess) I was never able to get the MyCloud device to work as I intended so I have no data to back up. (It was to be an FTP server used for Acronis backups but the MC FTP server and the Acronis FTP client are incompatible. I’m now using a MyBookLive and my MyCloud is sitting idle.)[quote=“cat0w, post:2, topic:194903”]
Have you ever saved your system configuration found in the Dashboard? It is under Settings>Utilities>System Configuration. If you have then you should be able to import your system configuration and see if that will solve your problem.

Hmm. If there is a problem with the configuration I’m not sure an export and import would be a good idea, but I’ll give it a try.

I save my configuration after each update to the Firmware and delete the old ones.

Yes, if you have not saved it before then a save now may result in the same problem you are already having.

Ok, but what should I do? Just delete and redefine users and shares? Do a hard reset?

Hi, I almost had a heart attack. I had the same issue and could not access any of my files.

I found this user who had the same issue.

Settings - Utilities

  1. System config = Save config file
  2. System only = Restore

If the system asks to generate a new encryption, tell it to save that for later.

  1. System config = Import file

Now, if you have encrypted hard drives, you must go to the drive section and click “mount.” insert the encrypting password, and you can go.

“Recreating your drive configuration” usually means setting up your users, shares, and settings all over again. It’s more about the software side of things rather than messing with the hardware. Just make sure to back up your data before you do it, as it might wipe everything clean.