Cloud storage not working

I’ve just changed my broadband to bt and suddenly the Nas is not working after being connected to sky. Is there something I need to change in settings on my router to allow the app to connect to the Nas?


The first thing to check under this case is the Ethernet cable. Try to replace the Ethernet cable and check if the cable is bad or not.

Remote Access and Network connection failures can occur for many reasons:

  1. ISP or Router blocking ports.

  2. The router does not support UPnP or UPnP is disabled.

  3. Computer Software blocking communications.

  4. Domain Name Resolution issues.

You need to check if the router has UPnP featured enabled on it or not and enable it if it’s disabled. You might need to contact your ISP regarding this if they are blocking the ports. For more information refer to the link below:

Sometimes the WD My Cloud device does not acquire the new IP address from the router automatically and keeps searching for the old IP address registered on the device. In such case, you can try to perform a 4 sec reset on the device that will change the IP setting to default DHCP and will help the WD My Cloud device to look for the new IP address provided by the router. This 4-sec reset is not Data Destructive. For more information regarding the reset refer to the link below: