Hello all,
I recently bought a Iomega EZ NAS with 2TB of storage. I have added some music and movies to it and connected it to my network-router. All computers recognize the Iomega EZ, and so does the WD TV Live Hub. So, that’s not the problem. Connecting with the Iomega EZ, trought the WD TV Live Hub ‘Videos’ section, also works. It connects and gives me 4 folders:
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By Date
But when i enter a folder, it says that there’s no media in it. Yet, there IS media on the Iomega EZ. Now i don’t know if these folders are standard on the WD TV Live Hub when conntection to a NAS, but i can’t find these 4 folders on my Iomega EZ. Only folders on there are:
But these folders don’t show on the WD TV Live Hub, only the 4 ones i mentioned earlier.
Does anybody know what’s going on and how i can get these last 6 folders to appear on the WD TV Live Hub? Thanks!!