Can't access my book live partition

My device work in good status untill last week. my device have a power off incident. after that i try to access mbl again. but it show that the old data is in additional fiiles partition. but i can’t access this partition. So what i could do next step. all my files are in this device.


It is possible WD SmartWare lost track of the copy log, however, files should be completely accessible in the Retrieve Tab or by manually accessing the share holding the data. On the other hand, the highlighted target share appears to be “Time Machine”, which is not the default share for the WD SmartWare copy, and cycling may allow for the files to re-appear.

It is advisable to keep an active backup (Defining “backup” as parallel copies available in separate locations) at all times in order to minimize potential data loss. Holding data in only 1 physical external location with no separate copy is not a “backup”.

thanks for your feedback. could you kindly tell me how to cycling? is there any other command  i can recover the data?



Cycling shares in WD SmartWare is done by clicking on the list of available shares under the Home tab and selecting a different one. Manually accessing the data can be accomplished by mapping the share holding the data. In order to map a network share please visit the following link: