Can't access files on My Cloud EX2 Ultra - Red Light

I can’t access files on My Cloud EX2 Ultra. It no longer shows up as part of my network on my MacBook Pro. There is a red light showing on the front of the box.

Same problem here…

Already checked, thank you. Somebody posted a solution that does not work for me. I replied to them but I believe it’s a old thread. So now I still need help, and searching again saw the post of tmaxwell, a very fresh one, and followed. Don’t know what you mean with spiritual welfare, I need my data quick and so I need quick help!!! If you can help, please do, if not …

Hello, I thought this was a community, for helping people… but maybe I’m wrong, seen that nobody even answered tmaxwell’s cry for help. I did not loose all my data, I have a backup, but it is elsewhere at the moment so I’m here alone with my cloud ultra f**cked up.
I do not need slaves as well, thank you, with the pandemia raging I cannot access my second backup and also, I have to store new data and I cannot. So I’m HUMBLY asking (satisfied?) if somebody can help with this problem with Dashboard not recognising my log in credentials anymore after upgrading to Os5 and showing blue/red alert lights or red/red lights, it depends on the moment…thanks for any help, no preaching though. Angels welcome.

Franzola - I contacted WD support via chat and they helped me get to my data. I still need to solve the problem of not being able to access my drive via my network, but while directly connecting my drive to my macbook via ethernet cable, I am able to access my data. If you need help to figure out how to do that I can probably help you.

Hi tmaxwell, yes thank you, any help to access my data is welcome.
Did they tell you why the dashboard credentials problem is still unresolved?

Here is what I did (with the help of the Support Engineer from WD via Chat) to get access to my MyCloudEX2Ultra Drive (solid red light with solid blue lights on both drives):

  1. Using a paperclip (straightened out) I pushed in the recessed reset button and held it for 4 seconds. I waited for the drive to go through the reset process. The solid red light returned. This indicated that there was no connection to the internet.
  2. I then unplugged the ethernet cable from the hub (which is connected to my router) and plugged it into my MacBook. After a little while, the Red light turned blue.
  3. I opened up Terminal on my MacBook and typed in the command: arp -a and hit enter. The data that was returned included a line which identified the drive and the MAC address shown agreed with the MAC address on the back of my drive.
  4. I picked up the IP address of the drive from the results in my Terminal. I opened up a browser and put the IP address in the address bar and hit enter.
  5. I was presented with the login for the admin console of the drive. I hit enter (no password was required because I had reset the drive). I then turned on the password and created a new password value. The console saved the new password for the admin account.
  6. After this, I was able to access the drive using a Finder window. The drive showed up where it normally would have on the left side of Finder in the ‘Locations’ section. I was able to access all of the data on my drive.

I think the problem that caused the solid red light on my drive may be related to the D-Line hub that I had my drive connected to (as a connection to the router and the ‘outside’ world of the internet). I will switch out the hub and see if that corrects the problem. If it does, then my drive will be accessible on my network.

Hopefully this helps you at least get to your files quickly.

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It seems like you’re looking for urgent help with your data issue, and the previous solutions haven’t worked for you. If you’re following a recent post by tmaxwell and still need assistance, it might be best to clearly outline the specific problem you’re facing, so that I or others can provide a solution that fits your needs. If you’re looking for quick and practical help, I can guide you if you share more details about the problem. eneglszahl 999 bedeutung