Cannot discover mybook live

Hard drive set up as per instructions.

Ran disk, clicked discover.

Search window appears

Then the troubleshooting pane pops up telling me to check its connected properly, which takes me back to square one.

Nothing showing in My network places

Running XP SP3

Router: linksys wag325n

OK, downloaded WD SmartWare software and this can see my drives and has indexed them, although not sure where or how, given I cannot discover the mybook hard drive!

There are five tabs at the top of the tool: Home; Backup, Retrieve; Settings; Help, but Backup and Retrieve are not active.

Any ideas?

Besides using the software you can also manually map the drive

just type the drive name on the browser \mybooklive and then right click on the folder that you wanna map

What OS and security software are you using? I just had trouble with networking on my VMware virtual machines. It turned out to be a setting in Comodo firewall on the host. They had been working probably some update caused a change.
