Cannot connect to mycloudex2ultra through

Just bought the mcex2ultra 2 days ago. Have not been able to load any files onto it because I getting an error message saying unable to connect because it is offline. I can access the dashboard, configure to my hearts content, but can’t do what i bought it for…load a single file, song, video, etc. Has anyone else experienced this problem? anyone have a solution?

How are you trying to connect to it? What are you using PC, Tablet, Mac?

More information please then we can try and help you.

Thanks for the interest in my problem. Trying to connect with both a desktop and laptop. The desktop using ethernet and the laptop is wireless, no problem accessing the dashboard with either device, Both are running windows 10. wondering if a port conflict could be the problem. checked into that and it seems the internal and external port values may be inverted (the internal value should be the external value and vice versa). Cant get anyone from WD tech dept to comment on this issue. Need any more info? let me know and I’ll get it to you