My MyCloud Home drive connects to my Mini Mac through ethernet cable. Every time I try to run Time Machine I get this error:
The backup disk image “Rodney Tarleton’s iMac.sparsebundle” could not be accessed (error 49180).
How do I fix?
How do I fix this??
Is this the first time you’ve tried to back up your mini you MyCloud Home, or has it worked in the past and now it throws this error?
Are you backing up or recovering/verifying the backup?
What exact MyCloud home do you have?
Have you posted the same to a Mac forum?
No it is not the first time I tried to backup using TimeMachine on my MyCloud Drive.
I am trying to back up.
Its called My Cloud Home
Yes posted on Mac forum and they suggested this forum.
Thanks for any help
I finally figured out how to set up a register user. Now I am getting an error 13 when I try to use Time Machine.
Hope this helps