Can access the Dashboard but not shares

About a week ago I began to have issues connecting to MyBookLive. I now can connect to it (using a direct connection to my PC) but cannot access the data (shares) only the system dashboard.

I can access it by using the ip address or by double clicking on the drive in Settings → Network.

Twonky is showing and I can access media files through that.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hi @alfordjo

Have you checked our knowledge base articles?
(Support for Western Digital Hard Drives | Western Digital)

Try this one.

Have you opened a Support Case?
If not, contact Western Digital Technical Support for assistance.

@riyan_shaik Thanks for the reply.

I have opened a case and worked with the support team to no avail.

We are unable to map the drive. They recommend I proceed to working with a data recovery company.

I am not giving up yet, but am unsure what to try next.

When trying to map the drive using the IP address, the error message I get is that Windows cannot access the drive. We tried updating the Windows credentials, but that did not help.

I figured something else out. The issue is with my laptop (or settings.) I tried a friend’s laptop this morning and got access to the data. Just not sure what settings need to be changed.