Cambio disco duro a unidad G-DRIVE 4TB - Change hard drive to drive G-DRIVE 4TB

Tengo un problema:
A mi unidad G-DRIVE de 4TB se le daño el disco duro, debido a que tenia otro disco disponible en una unidad G-SPEED Q de 4TB procedí a montarlo provisionalmente en la unidad G-DRIVE, sin embargo no me lo reconoce correctamente pues me detecta el disco a 16 TB y el disco solo es de 4TB, procedí a formatear este disco y me lo detecta a 16 TB, es como si estuviera leyendo la configuración de la unidad G-SPEED Q, alguíen podría ayudarme a solucionar este problema?, muchas gracias de antemano.

I have a problem:
My 4TB G-DRIVE drive was damaged in the hard drive, because I had another disc available on a 4TB G-SPEED Q drive, I provisionally mounted it on the G-DRIVE drive, however it does not recognize it correctly I detected the disk at 16 TB and the disk is only 4TB, I proceeded to format this disk and it detects it to me to 16 TB, it is as if I was reading the configuration of the unit G-SPEED Q, somebody could help me to solve this problem ?, Thank you very much in advance.


The header information on the drive still maintains the 16TB capacity based on the 4 bay Q configuration.

You will need to remove any semblance. Just a format in most cases won’t be enough. You need to bring the drive back to raw and start fresh. Which OS are you using? Is it a Mac or Windows?

hola, a la unidad con problemas le realicé un formato a 4K (la unidad es compatible con este tamaño de sector), con lo cual la unidad quedó operativa y reconoció su tamaño real, esta unidad fue formateada en ambiente windows. El formateo realizado fue el lento (escribiendo sobre cada sector) el problema fue solucionado. Gracias Rydia.

Hello, to the unit with problems I made a format to 4K (the unit is compatible with this sector size), so the unit became operational and recognized its actual size, this unit was formatted in windows environment. The formatting was slow (writing on each sector) the problem was solved. Thanks Rydia.