BULK XML Editor ?/program to do it?

Ive tried XML Editor and it crashes ?

My problem is:

I want to BULK Edit (say 10-20 XML’s at a time) to STRIP out data.

and have it use the TITLE as the SAME name as the FILENAME.


Here is a file that I have named:

XFactor UK S01E01.MP4

After the WD Live Hub box retrieves its metathumb and XML, the XML Info shows up onscreen as like:

XFactor UK Season 1 - 11 and some other jibberish making a mess of the screen (when I have like 32 episodes in that folder)

I want to bulk edit XML’s to STRIP the XML Data…

deleting the XML’s the box just goes and gets new ones ;(

Is there a way to do this or a program taht I can bulk load like 20 XML’s and strup all of the show name so it uses my FILENAME instead ?

thanks in advance :slight_smile:

here ya go :smiley:   just replace the word “backdrop” with  “title”


Updated Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/piozchc8maer3co/textrep1.4.zip

You don’t want to STRIP the XML – that’ll just cause the WDTV to display a blank title, AFAIK.  But I’ve never tried it…  but if the absence of a tag causes it just to default to the file name, then it would work.

If not, you’ll need to do a smart replace – which the above tool won’t do, as far as I know.

What you probably want to do is tell the WD to stop getting data, and use a different XML generator such as the XML Fetcher or thumbgen/hubgen.

if tag is missing WD defaults to the file name

it’s actually required for the tag to missing for XML to work with together with Linksheets

I know many people don’t use them together too much work

but that is how it functions

TonyPh12345 wrote:

If not, you’ll need to do a smart replace – which the above tool won’t do, as far as I know.


I’ve recommended “textrep” because i actually “use it”   … it was’nt a random untested google search

it works fine with my 1000+ Movie XML’s.

tell it to look for “exactly”    and replace it with    and it works perfectly.

it will not replace any text that contains the word “title” …  it only replaces exactly what you specify

I’m also a little surprised at your other statement …

_ "You don’t want to STRIP the XML – that’ll just cause the WDTV to display a blank title , AFAIK.  But I’ve never tried it…"_

Which is a load of Hogwash        (maybe you should have “tried it”)

eg.  <title> </title>  stripped and replaced with   <!title!> <!/title!>

Ok Im a little confused here ;( Is there a program I can use to load say 20 XML’s at a time to make it edit ALL of them with a BLANK title so it will default to MY FILENAME ? I also tried WDTVHubGen 2.3.11 and there was a feild for Title name of file and I changed it and then clicked to process all and it got some error so that didnt work ;(… sure wish I knew how to do coding lol im sure it is a simple program to write… :slight_smile:

joey already gave you a link above

Thanks, Ive tried to DL that program does anyone have a link to a place that has it as that link doesnt work (just time out’s) …



This totally worked 100% although I have a slight problem, It seems like there is a CACHE on the WDTV Box, i had to rename the FOLDER Name for the WDTV Box to rescan the contents of the folder to notice its change.

is there a Place that I can DELETE a cache ?

Ive ran into this before when I changed a !folder.metathumb and it DIDNT update on the wdtv box (even after a reboot) ??

sounds like you’re using the media library

so how about clearing the media library

there is an option for it in settings

I think that is what im using. i have a WDTV Live Hub. i recall seeing that option, will it mess with other stuff ? or just relook up all of my thumbnails ?

If you are using windows and have the folder view set to show hidden files, you will see .wd_tv.  That appears to be the cache.  There are also hidden folders for the thumbnails and if I remember correctly the backdrops.

I’ve been thinking of try to use this to make some backdrops for my home movies but have a couple of questions. Can someome direct me to the proper board to ask? The one I found was from 2011 and thought there might be one more current.  Thanks in advance.

I saw that and thought that MAY be the cache but didnt want to just delete something I didnt know of then have the wdtv box crash on me or something ;(… Ill try that :slight_smile: and then reboot…

dorijc wrote:

I’ve been thinking of try to use this to make some backdrops for my home movies but have a couple of questions. Can someome direct me to the proper board to ask? The one I found was from 2011 and thought there might be one more current.  Thanks in advance.

easy, place your home movie backdrop jpg (1280x720) next to your media file (see below)

then create a simple XML with the backdrop reference

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Sunset on the Beach-backdrop.jpg

so your files will look like this …

Sunset on the Beach.mp4       <----- that’s your video file

Sunset on the Beach.jpg        <-------- that’s a “thumbnail”

Sunset on the Beach.xml    <-------------xml file as above with the reference

Sunset on the Beach-backdrop.jpg  <-------------and that’s your home movie backdrop that will display in “Gallery View”

will work with USB attached storage and Networks Shares (unsure about Media Shares though)


lol…did my first one and was quite surprised to see it had ratings. Any idea where those get picked up from? All I can think of is play count.  I have no link to any rating service.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Family Home Movies The Girls - Vacation 2014 Sophie / Mina / Raven Great Aunt Dori


Vacation 2014 in beautiful Door County Wisconsin. Great Aunt Dori with Katie, Mina and Sophie and Raven. Our cottage was on Glidden Dr. just past Shivering Sands Creek. A great time was had by all.
The Girls.jpg

If you’re refering to the Flixster and Rotten Tomatoes rating …

(They aren’t controlled by the XML … seems to be a Firmware thing)

There’s only one way i know of … to disable them (link below)  :smiley:


since these are my own home movies I doubt they come from either.  All have picked up ratings but if I delete the cache, they dissapear when the cache is regenerated.  Must be pulling incorrect data from someplace or the cache gets corrupted.