I just bought a new western digital 500 gig My Passport external drive.
I connected it to my Asus G74S windows 7 laptop.
Windows said it installed the device and I started using it to copy pictures off my laptop onto the drive for backup.
If I copy about 2 gigs worth of photos at a time, things seem to go okay. If I select say 10 gigs of photos, after a few minutes of copying, the drive disconnects and so the copying fails and then autoplay comes up and asks what I want to do with the drive.
It doesn’t matter if I use a 2.0 or 1.0 USB slot. I read old posts on here and turned off the external drive sleep timer, though I don’t see how that would affect this use case.
Anyone know what’s going on? Is the drive disconnecting because the buffer gets full? Maybe it can’t take all the traffic?
I’m getting the same thing when backing up my songs onto yet another My Passport drive, so I don’t think the drive itself is broken, it seems to be related to how much data I’m moving at a time.