Booting, make WD start when windows is up and running?

Okeyyy like the topic sais, i have my SSD and it boots really fast… or should i say really fast when i havent WD 2TB plugged in!

When booting WD makes the computer wait and wait and wait.

So im here wondering if here are any drivers or other solutions, to make my WD start when windows is up and running??
Feels kinda sad if i have to plugg it out everytime i go to bed to make it boot more than twice as fast.

Booting with WD:55+ seconds
Booting without: 20 seconds


Take a look at these links. Hope they help.

Computer hangs or fails to boot when a USB drive is attached 

Problems booting a PC with an external USB drive connected 

Having the USB external does imcrease the boot time. The main drive starts then at some later poing the USB drive starts and holds things up until it is up to speed and recognized. Are you really that concerned about 35 Sec?
