Blue Light Out After Powercycle

Last week I power cycled my network equipment following running my security programs. When my Windows 7 came up again, My indicator light on my MyCloud shown yellow, then went out instead of turning blue. If a real problem develops, then I am afraid I will not notice. Now I can access files. These technical support people say the light out is not a problem; but advise me to start backing up. What do these whack just think I bought this drive for? I was already running out of places to do backups.


  1. Front LED
    The front LED on My Cloud Home devices is a single color, white. It is either on, off or blinks
    with a certain rhythm to indicate a specific “System Condition”.

Thanks for answering; however, I am not sure when I purchased this MyCloud. We may have different models. I only know how mine should work; and right now the light did not turn on.