BitTorrent Sync on ex2

Duudddeee… Seriously. 

Older version was never installed on mine. Allowed SSH on the dashboard, but never actually used it to change any core files → only jumped through folders and felt like a programmer:) Using the latest whatever fireware…

I literally downloaded it from btsync website, added through the dashboard, turned on - and voila. did NOTHING else.

Restarts, turn off’s, etc… Not messing anything up. It starts automatically, workes perfectly for syncing files (works every day with my work computer, perfect!).

I assume the only reason you may be having so much troubles with this is because you may have messed something up in core of your firmwhare with all the changes? maybe try totally wiping your firmware, just intall the new one, and intall again? it will take you couple hours to do that, but its literally hastle-free for me…

skype me if what. soroka.dp


no offense, but any website in the world already tracking all of that - its just these guys are open about it.

The only weird part is that they track your machine sensors, like accelerometer, i wonder what that is all about… but yet again, if bittorent puts too much pressure on users machine, that probably tells them about it and allows them to be aware of the issue.

The rest - browser info, demographics, how you interact with their website and their software - its all within reason. 

As I said, every website in the world is able to get just that simply by plugin in piwik or google analytics. Information are there in the open, and only ■■■■■ will ignore it. I’m sure you are being tracked right now by WD → simply for the sake of improving their services - because this is the only access to their clients. they are not able to do the marketing research physically. you get me ?

i know… it’s just that I have a hard time accepting this is done with my files, which contain very sensitive data about other people, not just me…

anyways, i have read WD privacy policy and indeed they do some tracking. For instance their WD Sync app uses google analytics to determine data flow when one is on relay connection…

anyways, perhaps I am just paranoid… I just thought that maybe if someone pays for a product or a service, s/he will be left alone and not tracked (if I pay for a car, I do not want the car dealer to check on me each mile I make, just to be able to sell me a new car or some extras for the car, or even just to determine what kind of issues the car may have when it gets broken)

Sorry man… I know.

i always tell myself 2 things:

They are doing that with the best intentions of improwing their software


they are not touching my data per se. 

If they would have done analytics on my files, then i’d be like **bleep**. but in this case… its almost harmless to your personality. 

I’m doing ecommerse myself, and know for a fact that in order to provide better online/spftware experience, you’ve got to know how people use your web/software, and how they interract with it… 

For the car dealership is simpler because they have physical means of reaching out to the client and speaking to them, not online though…

Lets just hope that this invasion of privacy will stay within these limits!