Backing up multiple computers w/multiple HDD to a single 1TB External drive

I have a single 1TB My Book Essential. I also own a single HP laptop with two HDD (C/F) as well as a Compaq laptop with a single C HDD and a Dell desktop computer with a single C HDD. I am trying to back each up and retain all three on the 1TB external device for recovery purposes. I am unable to find a way to so this.

Can someone provide “Detailed” instructions for this process and tell me how to verify each backup is complete and useable to recover a complete system HDD failure ?  

I am not very literate in the processes so as much detail as possible would be appreciated. 


The WD Smartware software has been designed to back up as many computer as you want. You will have to connect the drive to each computer, install the software and then run the backup. Please Note the WD Smartware does File backup it has not been designed to do system backups