Backed Up 100% Yet Can't Find Files

My backup worked 100% and my WD drive is showing all dark blue. Yet I can’t find my movies. :frowning: I looked everywhere. Any ideas?? I have to go to my computer and manually send them to the WD drive. I have Windows Seven.

        Thank You

Hi dude, if you made a backup with Smartware then the files should be inside the smartware.swstor folder inside the drive, but I would not touch files since they can get corrupted with ease. If you want for the automatic copy to be accessible then you don’t want to backup your files; you want to synch them and Smartware doesn’t do that, so you’ll need another software.

I’d keep doing what you’re doing and make MANUAL accessible copies to play with along with the protected backup without having to touch it.

You’ll probably want to uninstall the WD Smartware as soon as possible, it will render you computer unusable at regular intervals. You’ll also find several gigabytes of etilql*.* files left in your c:\windows\temp folder that you’ll need to delete yourself.

The solution is to use Genie Timeline Free and set it to back up to the Public share on the MBL. You will then get automatic backups AND all files will be visible and available to other devices.

CaphWD wrote:

You’ll probably want to uninstall the WD Smartware as soon as possible, it will render you computer unusable at regular intervals. You’ll also find several gigabytes of etilql*.* files left in your c:\windows\temp folder that you’ll need to delete yourself.


The solution is to use Genie Timeline Free and set it to back up to the Public share on the MBL. You will then get automatic backups AND all files will be visible and available to other devices.

Or Windows Backup, which is already on your computer, or any other backup software you know how to use, you like and trust.